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Status json messages

The json message are sent over a websocket to the server specified by statusServer config entry.

The following message types are sent

  • config
    • Contains the config information
    • Sent when the socket is first connected
  • rates
    • Contains message decode rates for all systems, non trucked systems will have a zero value
    • Sent every 3 seconds
  • systems
    • Contains a array of systems
    • Sent when the socket is first connected
  • system
    • Contains a single system
    • Sent when a system changes, this happens when the sysid, wacn, or nac is first known
  • calls_active
    • Contains an array of all calls that are currently active
    • Sent when the socket is first connected, a call is started, or call is completed
  • call_start
    • Contains a single call
    • Sent when a call is started
  • call_end
    • Contains a single call
    • Sent when a call is completed
  • recorders
    • Contains an array of all recorders
    • Sent when he socket is first connected
  • recorder
    • Contains a single recorder
    • Sent when a record has changed


*not documented yet*


"rates": [
"id": "0",
"decoderate": "39.333332"
"id": "1",
"decoderate": "0"
"type": "rates",
"instanceId": "",
"instanceKey": ""


"systems": [
"id": "0",
"name": "SYS 1",
"type": "p25",
"sysid": "123",
"wacn": "456",
"nac": "789012"
"id": "1",
"name": "SYS 2",
"type": "conventionalP25",
"sysid": "0",
"wacn": "0",
"nac": "0"
"type": "systems",
"instanceId": "",
"instanceKey": ""


"system": {
"id": "0",
"name": "SYS 1",
"type": "p25",
"sysid": "123",
"wacn": "456",
"nac": "789012"
"type": "system",
"instanceId": "",
"instanceKey": ""


"calls": [
"id": "1_1_1515574626",
"freq": "410000000",
"sysNum": "1",
"shortName": "SYS 2",
"talkgroup": "1",
"talkgrouptag": "TG 05",
"elasped": "46",
"length": "25.632000000000001",
"state": "1",
"phase2": "false",
"conventional": "true",
"encrypted": "false",
"emergency": "false",
"startTime": "1515574626",
"stopTime": "1515574626",
"freqList": "",
"recNum": "8",
"srcNum": "0",
"recState": "3",
"analog": "false",
"filename": "\/home\/\/*****\/\/captures\/SYS 2\/2018\/1\/10\/1-1515574626_4.1e+08.wav",
"statusfilename": "\/home\/\/*****\/\/captures\/SYS 2\/2018\/1\/10\/1-1515574626_4.1e+08.json"
"id": "0_1001_1515574637",
"freq": "419000000",
"sysNum": "0",
"shortName": "SYS 1",
"talkgroup": "1001",
"talkgrouptag": "TG 77",
"elasped": "35",
"length": "25.091999999999999",
"state": "1",
"phase2": "false",
"conventional": "false",
"encrypted": "false",
"emergency": "false",
"startTime": "1515574637",
"stopTime": "1515574637",
"freqList": [
"freq": "419000000",
"time": "1515574637"
"recNum": "0",
"srcNum": "0",
"recState": "3",
"analog": "false",
"filename": "\/home\/*****\/captures\/SYS 1\/2018\/1\/10\/1001-1515574637_4.19e+08.wav",
"statusfilename": "\/home\/****\/captures\/SYS 1\/2018\/1\/10\/1001-1515574637_4.19e+08.json"
"type": "calls_active",
"instanceId": "",
"instanceKey": ""


"call": {
"id": "0_1001_1515575009",
"freq": "419000000",
"sysNum": "0",
"shortName": "SYS 1",
"talkgroup": "1001",
"talkgrouptag": "TG 77",
"elasped": "0",
"length": "0",
"state": "1",
"phase2": "false",
"conventional": "false",
"encrypted": "false",
"emergency": "false",
"startTime": "1515575009",
"stopTime": "1515575009",
"freqList": [
"freq": "419000000",
"time": "1515575009"
"recNum": "0",
"srcNum": "0",
"recState": "3",
"analog": "false",
"filename": "\/home\/*****\/captures\/SYS 1\/2018\/1\/10\/1001-1515575009_4.19e+08.wav",
"statusfilename": "\/home\/*****\/captures\/SYS 1\/2018\/1\/10\/1001-1515575009_4.19e+08.json"
"type": "call_start",
"instanceId": "",
"instanceKey": ""


"call": {
"id": "0_1001_1515575009",
"freq": "419000000",
"sysNum": "0",
"shortName": "SYS 1",
"talkgroup": "1001",
"talkgrouptag": "TG 77",
"elasped": "9",
"length": "3.4199999999999999",
"state": "2",
"phase2": "false",
"conventional": "false",
"encrypted": "false",
"emergency": "false",
"startTime": "1515575009",
"stopTime": "1515575018",
"freqList": [
"freq": "419000000",
"time": "1515575009"
"recNum": "0",
"srcNum": "0",
"recState": "2",
"analog": "false",
"filename": "\/home\/*****\/captures\/SYS 1\/2018\/1\/10\/1001-1515575009_4.19e+08.wav",
"statusfilename": "\/home\/*****\/captures\/SYS 1\/2018\/1\/10\/1001-1515575009_4.19e+08.json"
"type": "call_end",
"instanceId": "",
"instanceKey": ""


"recorders": [
"id": "0_0",
"type": "P25",
"srcNum": "0",
"recNum": "0",
"count": "6",
"duration": "76.859999999999999",
"state": "2",
"status_len": "0",
"status_error": "0",
"status_spike": "0"
"id": "0_1",
"type": "P25",
"srcNum": "0",
"recNum": "1",
"count": "1",
"duration": "10.44",
"state": "2",
"status_len": "0",
"status_error": "0",
"status_spike": "0"
"id": "0_2",
"type": "P25",
"srcNum": "0",
"recNum": "2",
"count": "0",
"duration": "1.5147569426240483e-314",
"state": "2",
"status_len": "0",
"status_error": "0",
"status_spike": "0"
"id": "0_3",
"type": "P25",
"srcNum": "0",
"recNum": "3",
"count": "0",
"duration": "1.515774288511435e-314",
"state": "2",
"status_len": "0",
"status_error": "0",
"status_spike": "0"
"id": "0_4",
"type": "P25",
"srcNum": "0",
"recNum": "4",
"count": "0",
"duration": "1.5147569426240483e-314",
"state": "2",
"status_len": "0",
"status_error": "0",
"status_spike": "0"
"id": "0_5",
"type": "P25",
"srcNum": "0",
"recNum": "5",
"count": "0",
"duration": "1.5147569426240483e-314",
"state": "2",
"status_len": "0",
"status_error": "0",
"status_spike": "0"
"id": "0_6",
"type": "P25",
"srcNum": "0",
"recNum": "6",
"count": "0",
"duration": "1.5147569426240483e-314",
"state": "2",
"status_len": "0",
"status_error": "0",
"status_spike": "0"
"id": "0_7",
"type": "P25",
"srcNum": "0",
"recNum": "7",
"count": "0",
"duration": "1.5147569426240483e-314",
"state": "2",
"status_len": "0",
"status_error": "0",
"status_spike": "0"
"id": "0_8",
"type": "P25C",
"srcNum": "0",
"recNum": "8",
"count": "0",
"duration": "76.319999999999993",
"state": "3",
"status_len": "0",
"status_error": "0",
"status_spike": "0"
"type": "recorders",
"instanceId": "",
"instanceKey": ""


"recorder": {
"id": "0_0",
"type": "P25",
"srcNum": "0",
"recNum": "0",
"count": "5",
"duration": "48.600000000000001",
"state": "3",
"status_len": "0",
"status_error": "0",
"status_spike": "0"
"type": "recorder",
"instanceId": "",
"instanceKey": ""